Sugimoto Cutlery Co.,Ltd. -Japanese Traditional Cutlery-
One of the high class kitchen knife brands in Japan. They have been producing high-end kitchen knives for professional chefs. Each blade is carefully hand sharpened and polished to a razor edge.
Feelings reflect the beauty of the traditional blade line.
For all the beauty of the moment
The Japanese knives have inherited the traditional Japanese sword crafting techniques. The Japanese swords are known around the world for their incomparable sharpness, durability, and elegance. This exceptional quality was achieved by abundance of highly pure iron sand in the Japanese soil.
Availability of high grade material promoted development of forging techniques, and exquisite Japanese sword were born.
One of the unique characteristics of the Japanese sword is the joining of soft iron with steel through the forging process. This is done by applying heat treatment such as quenching and tempering.
Completed swords present a distinct peculiarity in each section, the edge, the spine, and the fold. All the sections of blade fulfill the purpose of the sword as a single distinct weapon.
*Please handle carefully when you use their knives, these are extremely sharp.
See all Sugimoto knives.